As shoppers fill out your GetReviews survey, how do you know if they're actually reviewing you on Amazon?

Until now, each review had to be checked 1 by 1. In one browser tab you have open GetReviews, and in the other tab, an Amazon product details page.

That changes today. Customers on our Individual ($89) or higher tier plan qualify for automatic review verification.

How it works

  1. Email [email protected] to enable the feature on your account
  2. Every 10 minutes, our backend grabs recent* reviews for Amazon** products added to your GetReviews survey
  3. Each review is checked against published reviews for that Amazon ASIN
  4. If the review is found, a "Found Externally" badge will be present in your Validation Center

* Amazon witholds new reviews from publication for 3-5 days, so we don't check reviews immediately after their creation in our database. We delay the check to reduce false negatives.

** This feature is currently enabled for the Amazon USA, UK, Canada, Italy, and Australia regions, with more regions and marketplaces coming soon.