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Add User

To add a user to your GetReviews account, click the "User" icon in the top right corner of the GetReviews dashboard, then click "Users"

Select "Users" from the account menu in GetReviews
Select "Users" from the account menu in GetReviews

Once on the users page, click the blue "Add User" button in the top right corner

Add user button
Add user button

When you click the "Add Users" button, a modal will pop up that asks you to enter some information on the user to be added.

Add User modal
Add User modal
  1. Email : Enter the email address of the user you would like to add.
  2. Role : Enter the role of the user you are adding. There are two roles:
    • Member
    • Administrator
    Users with "Member" role-designations are not allowed into two areas of the site. These areas are the "Users" page, meaning they cannot add, edit, or remove new or existing users, and the "Plan/Billing" area, meaning they cannot access any plan or billing functions on the account. Users with Administrator privileges have no restrictions. Note : There is no concept of a super-admin in GetReviews. If you assign someone Administrator credentials, you are allowing them full access to the account, including the ability to delete you as a user/change your role-designation. Ensure Administrator credentials are handed out appropriately.

Once you click the "Add User" button, an email will be sent to the user with instructions on how to sign up. Until the user signs up, they will be shown as an "Invited" user on the user administration page. If you would like to revoke this user invite, you can click the trash can icon next to the user invite you would like to revoke.

Invited users
Invited users