Advice and answers from the team


The FTP integration allows you to upload your survey responses to a remote server.

  1. Enabled : Tick this checkbox to enable the integration
  2. Host : Enter the host name for the server you would like to upload your survey responses to
  3. Username : Enter the username for the server you would like to upload your survey responses to
  4. Password : Enter the password for the server you would like to upload your survey responses to
  5. Directory : Enter the directory you would like to upload survey responses to. This is relative to the root of the server (i.e. "/" would indicate that you would like to upload survey responses to the root of the server.)

Enable FTP Integration on Survey

  1. Visit the Surveys page
  2. Next to the survey you would like to export respondent data to your FTP from, click “Edit”
  3. Scroll down to the "Integrations" section
  4. Enable FTP as an integration
  5. Click "Save"