We're GetReviews!
Our tool provides a survey flow technology for 100s of e-commerce sellers to effortlessly collect more validated reviews from customers post-purchase through package inserts in a compliant manner.

In an increasingly competitive market, establishing a credible and trustworthy presence on marketplaces like Amazon is essential for any brand's success. This case study explores how a GetReviews customer, a men's personal care brand, leveraged our platform to significantly enhance its online reputation. 

By strategically using GetReviews to gather more validated reviews, the brand not only boosted its average star ratings but also built stronger customer trust and drove higher sales. This transformation highlights the critical role of authentic customer feedback in shaping consumer decisions and the effectiveness of GetReviews in achieving these results.

How did you learn about GetReviews?

We had a friend tell us about it who works for an Amazon strategy agency. He strongly recommended we use it for our company. 

How long have you been using GetReviews?

About 2 months.

What were a couple of challenges you were trying to solve before using GetReviews? What were the major pain points of your process prior to using GetReviews?

We had seen some early and strong success on Amazon, especially with our flagship product. But there were notable challenges too... even though on Shopify we had a 4.9/5 star rating, we were running into customers on Amazon who were quicker to leave negative feedback... and these people were more likely to leave feedback than people who loved it.

We strategized many ways to drive more POSITIVE reviews on Amazon, but with little success. Despite maintaining a 4.4-star rating on this product, we wanted more... that's when we learned about GetReviews. So far, the results speak for themselves -- we're not only generating way more reviews, but we're getting more reviews from the average user who *typically* LOVES our product. It's been a total game-changer for our brand, and our ranking and sales are seeing spikes on Amazon as a result.

What other methods/strategies did you try to address those issues before using GetReviews?

We were manually messaging people who left us 5-star reviews on Shopify and letting them know that not only could they also find our product on Amazon if they ever preferred, but that their reviews would do even more for us on that platform instead...

Obviously, this had a few downsides. It drove customers AWAY from our Shopify to a lower margin channel, and we couldn't even tell if it was working.

We also tried other platforms that automatically send review requests so you don't have to do so manually, but the conversion rate here was crazy low.

How does GetReviews help your team or company achieve its objectives? Can you share some of the quantifiable ROI results/metrics that demonstrate how using GetReviews has benefited your business?

It's been HUGELY effective in both driving more reviews and, more importantly, POSITIVE reviews. We've seen both of our two SKUs take big jumps in their category rankings since coming onboard.
In a remarkable achievement, the men's personal care brand, attained a 71% conversion rate in obtaining validated customer reviews, resulting in over 250 reviews within two months. 

What, if any, future plans do you have in terms of using GetReviews?
Just to use more of it and to increase our plan. We want ALL amazon packages to include our QR insert so that we can be driving as many reviews as possible.
We'd like to thank our customer for sharing their story on the GetReviews blog. If you'd like to learn more about our platform, here's our demo video! Or, if you're ready to get the ball rolling, sign up to GetReviews.ai here.