is constantly innovating and adding new features to empower our customers with the tools they need to collect tons of honest customer reviews, reward their customers, and improve retention. Currently, you can offer e-gift cards, coupon codes, and products. 

Today, we're excited to introduce our newest giveaway option: Warranty.

Warranties are becoming a popular option as they adds a layer of assurance to your products, further strengthening customer relationships and driving greater loyalty. Activating the warranty giveaway is simple, here is a step-by-step guide to set it up.

How It Works

Step 1: Accessing your GetReviews Dashboard

  • Log in to your GetReviews account.

Step 2: Select your Giveaway

  • On the left side of your page, click the "Giveaways" tab
  • Click Create Giveaway > select Warranty

Step 3: Setup your Giveaway Details

  • Giveaway name: The giveaway name will be shown to your survey respondent. It can be simple such as "1-Year Extended Warranty."
  • Giveaway image: Upload an image that will represent this giveaway. You can use free tools such as Canva to create a simple one.
  • Warranty Contact: Provide an email address your shopper can contact for warranty-related claims or questions.
  • Warranty Expiration: Provide a redemption period for your warranty. This will be included in the email receipt.
  • Email Template: Use this field to replace the GetReviews warranty email template. Use the variable { {WARRANTYCONTACT} } to merge in your warranty contact email address from above.
    • Here are the steps to customize your GetReviews email template and subject line.
  • Giveaway Description: Provide some detail about your giveaway. This will be shown to your respondent, so be sure to provide a friendly, succinct description.

Step 4: Save and Test

  • Save your giveaway and test as much as possible!

We're excited to see how this new giveaway will help you strengthen your customer relationships and further scale your business growth. If you have any questions, our support team is always ready to assist. 

We're GetReviews!
Our tool provides a survey flow technology for over 200 e-commerce sellers to effortlessly collect more validated reviews from customers post-purchase through inserts, surveys, and QR codes.