Advice and answers from the team

Select Account Type

There are 2 ways to start growing your testimonials and conversion rate with GetReviews. We call them account types.

  1. Self service
  2. Managed

Self service accounts work as you'd expect -- register with an email/password, import products from marketplaces like Amazon, build a survey, and distribute it to shoppers.

Managed accounts have the same moving pieces, except the setup tasks are done for you by humans on the GetReviews team.

Why offer 2 account types?

We've watched 100s of brands spend weeks or months onboarding to GetReviews, despite our friendly interface and live support. Customers sometimes struggle to set metrics-backed review goals, configure high-converting survey funnels, or automate integrations.

These accounts perform worse than our power users, and they also require the most support. So we needed a way to align incentives.

Benefits of Managed accounts

New customers who select the "Managed" account type receive the following:

  • Kickoff call (email also OK!) to establish review goals and go-live timeline
  • Bulk product imports from 3rd party marketplaces
  • Custom surveys with your brand's logo, font, colors, whitelabel domain, etc
  • Upload the first 2 order lists for verification (via marketplace admin access)
  • Automations with 3rd party integrations (Zapier, Klaviyo, etc)
  • Printable package insert designs with Amazon compliant copywriting
  • Test Mode* for unlimited experimentation before and after you go live
*GetReviews billing is based on usage, test reviews are ignored from this counter

Our team will personally complete each of the above tasks to your specifications and send weekly reports until GetReviews surveys are being distributed to your shoppers.

Pricing is simple -- our published rates ($20-$400 /month) plus a one time Setup Fee.

Setup Fee

For customers who prefer Managed accounts, this table calculates our Setup Fee:

Days to Go Live* 1-Time Fee
91+ $149
61-90 $249
31-60 $349
1-30 $499

*Go Live - usually synonymous with your next inventory replenishment (restock) date. Our highest performing customers use package inserts which requires this logistics coordination. For brands who self-fulfill, "Go Live" is more flexible.

Example Scenario
You watch or schedule a GetReviews demo on August 10th, but aren't restocking Amazon inventory until November 15th. The $149 setup fee (90+ days away) will instantly unlock an active account for testing and our team will set up all your products, surveys, package inserts, giveaways (optional), and automations long before your Black Friday / Cyber Monday inventory begins shipping to customers.

Benefits of self-service

Power users, including agencies and holding brands, quickly become experts in GetReviews' functionality thanks to the sheer volume of their work -- dozens of products, surveys, giveaways, and automations.

If you identify as a self-starter, you may prefer to onboard to GetReviews without our team's hands-on assistance. Here are the pros and cons of this arrangement:

  • Email-only support
  • Custom survey domains only available on the $89+ plans
  • Manual product import
  • Test Mode* only available with a paid subscription (no free trial)
*GetReviews billing is based on usage; test reviews are ignored from this counter

Pricing is simple -- our published rates ($20-400 /month) plus a 50% premium. So the $20 plan becomes $30, etc. No Setup Fee, cancel anytime.